Aggressive Driving

Aggressive Driving: Staying Safe in a Crazy World

5 Tips to Being the Sane Person

Aggressive Driving is Dangerous
Remember, the person driving next to you may be crazy

Imagine driving down a highway, going with the flow of traffic, when a glance in the rearview mirror shows a car approaching from behind very quickly.  The person pulls up, is riding your bumper, and flashes the car’s headlights.  You continue driving in your lane.  The driver then pulls over into the next lane, swings around you, cuts you off, and speeds away. Of course, this is after using a particular gesture to indicate the driver’s displeasure.  You have just had the “joy” of experiencing aggressive driving firsthand. (Pun intended)

Drive for any length of time, and you will see someone driving aggressively by:

  • Tailgating
  • Changing lanes frequently or erratically
  • Running a red light, or always trying to ‘beat the yellow,’ and/or
  • Racing down the road faster than the posted speed limit.

Aggressive driving is defined as a combination of moving traffic offenses that endanger other individuals or property.   Read the full article >>>

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