Senior Drivers

Elderly DriverAre you over 65 years old? Or maybe you have a family member over 65 and still driving a car? Then this article is for you; providing tips and information on what to do if you or someone in your family is getting up in years.

For many of us, driving is freedom; the freedom to go where we want, visit who we wish, and explore new sights.  It can be exciting, driving down the road on a new adventure, or to visit family and friends.  But as we age, it can also become challenging.  The number of drivers over age 65 is growing, and will continue to grow for many years as the baby boom generation moves into retirement.   In 2011 there were 35 million licensed older drivers, a 21 percent increase from 2002.  We are living longer and healthier lives, but we need to remain alert to how we drive, and whether or not we are a potential risk to ourselves or others. Our eyesight and physical abilities change as we age; our reaction times slow down, and even our judgment can be affected by aging.  This is not to say that we should stop driving at age 65; it means that we need to be more alert to our situation and ask some crucial questions.  Read the Full Article>>

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